XNX通用型变送器标志着霍尼韦尔探测器在气体探测方面新的转变。它作为公共平台支持种类繁多的传感器或探测器,并标配HART载波4-20mA输出,为输入输出提供更多的模块化选择。 可探测气体类型 Combustiable Gas/O2/H2S/CO/SO2/NH3/CL2/CLO2/NO/NO2/H2/HCL/HF/PH3/CO2... XNX is an extremely flexible gas transmitter that can be configured to accept an input from any of the Honeywell Analytics range of gas sensor technologies. It can also be configured to provide all the industry standard output **s; a key feature of the XNX transmitter is that it comes with HART over 4-20mA as standard. This enables users to have a single type of interface to all their gas detection needs, even when different types of detectors are employed.